David Quotes: About Melissa

[TV Guide: Cristian has fallen for several women in the past. Is Natalie the one?]
I think she is for him. Jen was his way of getting over Jessica. He thought that he was in love with Jen — he did love her — but it isn't the same as it is with Natalie. She does it for him a little more. [

[TV Guide: What's the attraction between Cristian and Natalie?]
She's a tough girl. She had a really rough life. She was poor, and now she's a fighter. Cristian can relate to that. He has a little bit of that in him.

[TV Guide: So he didn't buy it when she said that she loved Mitch over him.]
No he didn't. He knew there was something behind it.

[TV Guide: Maybe in the New Year, this couple could find some happiness and peace?]
I think it's heading that way. But it probably won't last long. It never does. (Chuckles)

[TV Guide: Don't you think it's strange that Cristian's now in love with Natalie, the twin half-sister of his former girlfriend, Jessica?]
For me personally, it is a little weird. He falls so madly in love, and the world stops and it's all about that woman. But they are sisters. I guess he found something in Natalie that he loved in Jessica. It's a blood thing.
