September 2, 2002
Cristian: Come on, I know you're in love with Antonio.
Keri: I am.
Cristian: And, hey, we're friends, too, right?
Keri: Yes, we are. And you look like maybe you could use a friend right now.
Cristian: That bad, huh?
Keri: Well, it seemed like something pretty serious was going on with you and Natalie just now. I mean, I know it's none of my business, but I just -- I want to make sure you're okay.
Cristian: Well, I'm not, not really.
Keri: Is Natalie giving you some kind of trouble?
Cristian: No. No, that's not what she's giving me. Not at all.
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Rex: Hey, Natty, you okay?
Natalie: No, I'm not. Can't you see that?
Rex: Yeah, you're really freaking.
Natalie: I told you, it's, you know, my mom and --
Rex: I know you're upset about her, but --
Natalie: But what?
Rex: This can't just be about your mom. It's about Cristian, isn't it?
Natalie: Ok, you're right. I ran into Cristian for the second time today. It's just so hard.
Rex: That's what I thought. What happened?
Natalie: Nothing, really. Cristian really loves Jen, and because he's such a really nice guy, he's trying to make that clear to me.
Rex: What do you mean, trying?
Natalie: Well, because he's such a good guy, he doesn't want to stomp on my heart, you know, he doesn't want to hurt my feelings, so he just -- he doesn't make anything very clear.
Rex: So you want him to stomp on your heart?
Natalie: No, I -- I don't know. Maybe -- maybe it just -- it'd be easier. I mean, everything he says is so vague. And then just when it starts to make sense, something always happens and we never get to finish it.
Rex: And so it's weird.
Natalie: Maybe I should just leave town or join a convent or something.
Rex: What?
Natalie: You know, if I was out of his life, it would be so much easier for him.
Rex: Well, I don't care what's easier for Cristian. I care what's easier for you.
Natalie: Thanks. But that doesn't really matter much.
Rex: Yeah, it does. What's going on with you? I mean, you keep saying you care about Cristian, but what does that mean exactly?
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Cristian: You know, I was in love with Jen. I thought I'd be in love with her forever. And part of me still thinks that that should be true.
Keri: "Should be"?
Cristian: Yeah, I told her. She's counting on it.
Keri: Oh.
Cristian: And I meant it, Keri -- I really did -- when I told her. But I don't know. It's just that we -- we've been apart for so long and Natalie and I just kept getting thrown together --
Keri: You and Natalie.
Cristian: Yeah. And to tell you truth, when I first met her, I didn't even like her. I guess she kind of just grew on me. And then she needed me, and I got to see a part of her that not everybody sees, she doesn't show everybody. And now it's --
Keri: Now?
Natalie: I'm -- I'm in love with Cristian.
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Cristian: I'm falling in love with Natalie.
Keri: You're falling in love with Natalie?
Cristian: I shouldn't be telling you about this, not when you're worried about Antonio.
Keri: Cristian --
cristian: No, no, Keri, you don't have to hear about my problems.
Keri: I want to hear it. I want to be here if I can.
Cristian: Thanks. I sure wish somebody could.
Keri: So?
Cristian: So I’m falling in love with Natalie. No, no, that's not right. I am in love with her. And I don't know what to do.
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Rex: What, you're in love with Cristian?
Natalie: That's why this is so hard -- seeing him and running into him like this.
Rex: Yeah, I got it.
Natalie: I mean, it'd be so much better if I could just totally avoid him.
Rex: Right, which is why you want to join a convent?
Natalie: Ok, I know that I can't do that and I -- I want to stay here, but being here -- it's just so hard. Everywhere I go, there he is. It's like he knows where I’m going to be all the time.
Rex: Maybe what you really need is for him to quit bothering you.
Natalie: No, no, it's not like that. He's not bothering me, and he's not playing any mind games with me or anything.
Rex: All right, then what's he doing?
Natalie: He's trying to be a good person. He's trying to make me understand how he feels about Jen, and he's trying to let me down easy.
Rex: Well, it's not what it sounds like to me.
Natalie: Well, that's because you don't know him the way I do. Cristian cares about me and he likes me as a friend. No, he's a good guy. In fact, he's the most amazing guy that I’ve ever met. And he's taken.
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Cristian: When I figured out that I was falling in love with Natalie, it just kind of threw me. I never thought that would happen. Now I feel like --
Keri: You feel like?
Cristian: I feel like such a -- I mean, look what I'm doing to Jen.
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Rex: I got to admit Jen is pretty d--n hot. Okay, but you are too.
Rex: Well, you are.
Natalie: Well, you're right. Jen is beautiful. She's not just beautiful. She's perfect. She's been so nice lately.
Rex: Yeah, she has.
Natalie: You know, it wasn't always like that. I thought she was this raving -- well, that she was really insecure about Cristian.
Rex: She was pretty freaked out when he was helping you.
Natalie: Yeah, but that's because I wouldn't let him tell her why.
Rex: Yeah, but so she loves the guy but can't trust him?
Natalie: I know. But you know what? You have to admit she's been really great since she found out the truth why cristian wouldn't tell her and the fact that i thought I had D.I.D. I mean, since she found out, she's been pretty amazing.
Rex: She probably feels guilty.
Natalie: Yeah. Still, it's like she's being too nice.
Rex: See?
Natalie: But it doesn't matter because she's being nice. I mean, she doesn't have to. She came all the way over here just to check on me about my mom.
Rex: So, what? I mean, that's your fault?
Natalie: It just makes me hate myself even more for wanting cristian. And then I think about when he kissed me. No, no, no. What am I doing? I cannot be thinking about that!
Rex: Well, the guy is totally missing out by not being with you. I don't care how good Jen looks.
Natalie: Thank you.
Rex: No matter how nice she is, she's no way as nice or as cool as you are. She can't be.
Natalie: I know you're just saying that.
Rex: No, I'm not. It's the truth.
Natalie: No, the truth is Jen loves Cristian. And she may be the witch that I always thought she was, but no matter what, she is devoted to him completely. She always will be.
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Keri: I understand what you're going through and I know how guilty you must be feeling.
Cristian: Tell me about it.
Keri: I think Jen is a great girl, and I know you do, too.
Cristian: Yeah, I do. I really do.
Keri: But that doesn't change how you're feeling about Natalie and it can't stop you from falling in love with her.
Cristian: That's right.
Keri: But I will tell you that if you think you can hide how you feel from Natalie or from Jen, you're in for a surprise.
Cristian: And I know that, Keri. That's why -- well, the only reason I’ve been putting all this stuff off is because of everything that's been going on -- I mean, Jen's mom escaping out of prison and Natalie’s been freaking out about her mom.
Keri: But now?
Cristian: But now Jen's mom is ok. I mean, they caught her. And I guess Natalie’s ready to hear it, too.
Keri: So it sounds like you already know what you have to do.
Cristian: I think I do. Well, at least part of it.
Keri: What's the part you don't know?
Cristian: Well, the more I think about this, I don't know how I'm going to tell Jen.
Keri: That's hard.
Cristian: And I know I have to. And I have to tell Natalie how I feel about her. I mean, it's the right thing to do. And I know I should tell her now.
Keri: Then you should do it. You should do it right now.
Cristian: You think?
Keri: Yes. Go find Natalie, do what you have to do. Then comes the hard part.
Cristian: Telling Jen.
Keri: Right.
Cristian: She's going to feel so betrayed.
Keri: Cristian, it's not a betrayal. You've changed. You're moving on. Yeah, she's going to be hurt, she's going to be -- but it's not a betrayal.
Cristian: Yeah, but, still
Keri: I -- I know. It’s tough going through the hard part. Be strong. Ok? Love has a way of making everything -- making everything all right.
[Scene ends]
[Next scene]
Rex: Yeah. Just hold on. Cristian.
Cristian: Rex. Is Natalie here?
Rex: No, she's not. But, you know, come in. There's something you need to know about Natalie.
Rex: Come on in.
Cristian: Look, Rex, I know there's some stuff that you might think you know, but it's really none of your business.
Rex: Yeah, I know a lot, like I know how you kissed Natalie when you already have a hot girlfriend.
Cristian: So?
Rex: And I know a whole lot more about the situation because Natalie’s my sister. She tells me everything.
Cristian: Wait a minute. Did she tell you --
Rex: Didn't know that, did you? And she told me she doesn't want you around.
Cristian: Did she say why?
Rex: Yeah. Because even though she may have had a little thing for you, that's completely over. She doesn't care about you anymore. In fact, you know what? She's on a date right now.
[Scene ends]